Do you recall the song, “Locomotion”, by Little Eva, released in 1962? What a catchy tune!
I listened to it recently, and I can’t get it out of my head. I imagine a big group of people having fun, making a chain, and doing the ‘chug-a-chug-a motion’ like a railway train!
Movement is not only fun; it’s so important for our bodies and brains, too. The reason is it increases our heart rate, which pumps and circulates more essential oxygen throughout the body and to our brain. As well, it enhances the release of hormones which provide a nurturing environment for the growth of new cells.
Physical activity also promotes our amazing ability to change our brain: neuroplasticity. It does this by stimulating the growth of new synaptic links between cells in many important cortical areas of our brain.
According to some sources, movement might be one of the most proactive, preventive measures we could take to keep our bodies and cognitive functions well.
Based on my own experience of how much better I think, feel, and act once I’ve had a healthy dose of movement activity, I couldn’t agree more.
In order to reap the benefits that movement has to offer, it’s important to engage in regular activity. However, people who do not have exercise routines that they enjoy and look forward to are far less likely to make the effort to be consistent with it.
I highly recommend trying out a variety of options to get a sense of what appeals to you yourself and makes it easier to get up and move it, move it!
WALKING: This is the activity that I do most consistently. I find it has an immediately noticeable and positive impact. I am able to do it daily, because I can adjust the pace and duration of a gentle stroll or fast-paced promenade, based on how much time I have. Most of all, it’s filled with cross-lateral stimulation as I move from one leg and foot to the other, while swinging my arms. This is awesome, whole brain stimulation, and it balances both brain hemispheres.
DANCING: If the music speaks to me, I have no problem getting up to dance, anywhere, anytime. It may be in my kitchen, my car, or the middle of a store! If I go out dancing, then I really enjoy salsa clubs; because partner dancing gives an additional opportunity to challenge my body and brain as I tune in to working in tandem with another. There is the added healthy challenge of remembering movement patterns and sequences, which is great for memory.
ROLLERBLADING/ICESKATING: I’m putting these into one category, because I grew up taking roller skating lessons and participating in competitions. Eventually this led to ice skating lessons and competitions, too. While I can barely do the jumps and fancy spins anymore, I’m still grateful to have the ability to move comfortably on pavement or ice. I often find myself being asked to give pointers to other adults and kids. Both of these summer and winter activities require a lot of vestibular stimulating balance.
TRAMPOLINING: Growing up we had a trampoline in our backyard, and my sisters and I had hours of fun on it. In fact, my mother had to buy us a timer so that everyone had equal and fair jumping time. Eventually I taught myself how to do a flip, and I can still do it! However, what I like to do is simply bounce. In fact, over the years I’ve owned an indoor Rebounder as I find it to be an incredible way to activate and energize my 50-100 trillion cells! In addition, the research on the benefits of rebounding is extensive.
BIKING: When I was young, learning how to ride a bike was a fun and confidence-building experience. I enjoyed going on countless bike rides with my sisters. During high school and university, my bike became my primary form of transportation. However, in my young adulthood, I don’t even recall owning a bike. Eventually when my daughter started to learn how to ride a bike, I decided I’d get back into it as well. I’ve recently found that going for an early morning bike ride along the beach is one of my favourite ways to start my day! Biking requires balance, builds stamina, and fills your body and brain with a fresh air supply.
SCOOTERING: Years ago, when my daughter was gifted her first scooter, she was so excited to ride it to school. Since she couldn’t keep it there, I’d walk up to her school and then ride it back home. I had many interesting looks from other adults, but I didn’t care. It was such a fun and youthful experience! In fact, I remember a neighbour commenting on how much I seemed to be enjoying it. In retrospect, I believe I had a rush of the neurotransmitter dopamine with the fun and excitement of swiftly moving along our street in such a novel way.
So those are my favourites! There are countless more options. I’d like to hear about yours, too.
To your Fit Brain and Fit Life,